Wow, fant noen fantastiske sokkeoppskrifter på nettet !
De er samlet i en ebook som heter " Silk Road Socks". Forfatteren er inspirert av tepper lagd i landene langs med Silkeveien. Flotte sokker med intrikate og nydelige mønstre !
Boken kan enten bestilles i papirutgave eller som nedlastbar pdf (ebook)
her .

Wow ! I found some amazing sock patterns while surfing on the net.
They are collected in this ebook called "Silk Road Socks".
The author has been inspired by the rugs made in the countries throughout The Silk Road. Great socks in beautiful intricate patterns . The book is available in either paper or as a downloadable pdf . Click here to come to the site where you are able to purchase it. 


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